This diagram and the instructions below will help you take into account viewing inclination angle when interpreting measured [O I] 1.316 μm emission lines from a PDR.
A plane-parallel geometry for the PDR is assumed. All [O I] levels are included for which atomic data is available in the line list of van Hoof, P.A.M., 2018, Galaxies, 6, 63. Radiation pumping is considered to occur from the lowest fine-structure levels of [O I] (3P0,1,2) to higher levels. The ultraviolet continuum radiation has the shape of a Draine field. Self-shielding in the pumping lines is handled using an FGK approximation separately for each line (Federman, Glassgold, & Kwan, 1979, AJ, 227, 466). As the pumping lines become optically thick, an escape probability is used to diminish the radiative de-excitation to ground (e.g., Tielens & Hollenbach 1985, ApJ, 291, 722). The radiative cascade is calculated starting from the highest level and working downward to lower levels accounting for the direct UV pumping and entry into each level by radiative de-excitation from above. The distribution with depth into the PDR of the ground-state [O I] level populations is taken from the full PDR model. The final emitted [O I] line intensity is the result of the integrated emissivity along a line perpendicular to the PDR face.