Wolfire/Kaufman 2020 limited set of constant density models for Large Magellanic Cloud, surface chemistry turned off, Z=0.5

Below are links to the individual FITS files and plots in the lmc ModelSet. We also provide a gzipped tarball of all the lmc FITS and PNG files.

[O I] 63 µm / [C II] 158 µm Intensity Ratio([O I] 63 µm + [C II] 158 µm) / IFIR Intensity Ratio[C II] 158 µm / IFIR Intensity Ratio[C II] 158 µm / CO(J=2-1) Intensity Ratio
[C II] 158 µm / CO(J=3-2) Intensity Ratio[C II] 158 µm Intensity[O I] 63 µm IntensityCO(J=2-1) Intensity
CO(J=3-2) Intensity